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Investment Strategy
The Funds invest exclusively in the media, communications and information industries.

The Funds focus on investments in companies which represent a "platform" to build aggressively through strategic acquisitions. These are established entities, substantial in size themselves, which have the opportunity to grow both organically and through acquisitions. Platform companies bear certain characteristics: they are susceptible to operational improvements; they have the ability to generate revenue increases internally; and they lend themselves to strategic or expansive acquisitions and consequent merger benefits and economies of scale. These factors enable the portfolio company to attain critical mass, substantially improving exit options and values.

VS&A Communications Partners' experience with Fund I, Fund II and Fund III demonstrates that a platform company strategy provides manifold opportunities for leverage - financially, operationally, and managerially. Platform companies should exhibit positive cash flow, proven management, and sufficient size and depth of organizational structure to support an acquisition program.

The preferred equity investment range is up to $500 million. However, we have the capability to invest significantly greater amounts of capital by drawing on our limited partners' co-investment capabilities. We generally target a five-to-seven year investment period with an exit via sale, recapitalization, or public offering.

We give the highest consideration to potential platform companies that fulfill our investment criteria. To learn more about VS&A Communications Partners, please contact , Managing Partner and Co-Chief Executive.

Fund Inquiries

For further information regarding VS&A Communications Partners, please contact:

Managing Partner
Partner and Co-Chief Executive Officer of Veronis Suhler Stevenson

New York, New York 10022
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