Adams Media Research : publishers of the Hollywood Aftermarket newsletter covering the video, cable, pay-per-view and television entertainment industries.
Billboard Online
previews just four of more than 40 entertainment industry charts published by Billboard Magazine including: The Billboard 200, The Hot 100 Singles, Top R&B Albums, Top Country Albums, Pop Catalog Albums, Top Albums, Hot Singles, Videos and the Top Grossing Concert Charts.
Box Office Online provides reviews and ratings from the pages of BOXOFFICE Magazine and the week's Top 10 Box Office film, Ranked by the last weekend's North American gross in millions and followed by the cumulative North American gross in as of the last weekend.
Broadcasting & Cable is a weekly magazine published by Cahners Publishing read by executives of television and radio stations, networks, cable operations and allied fields. Broadcasting & Cable reaches all segments of the industry, including TV/Radio networks, affiliates, owned and operated stations, independent stations and cable multiple system operations. In so doing, Broadcasting & Cable covers virtually every TV station, every major market radio station, major cable operations and all key regulations and legislators.
IndieWIRE LLC, online and print publisher since 1995, is the leading industry news source and voice of independent film. indieWIRE: Daily, launched in 1996, dubbed "The virtual 'Daily Variety' of the independent film scene" by Daily Variety, delivers business news, festival reports, filmmaker interviews, movie reviews, productions articles and coverage of the emerging digital scene directly to nearly 20,000 desktops each business day. Its popular Web site, - - is accessed by over 130,000 filmmakers, executives, students, journalists, and moviegoers around the world, every month.
International Federation of the Phonographic Industry Music Publishers' Associations |
Founded in 1895, the Music Publishers' Association is the oldest music trade organization in the United States, fostering communication among publishers, dealers, music educators, and all ultimate users of music. This non-profit association addresses itself to issues pertaining to every area of music publishing for the advancement of standard, contemporary, and educational music. The MPA serves the industry through its presence at and cooperation with various important organizations such as CMPA, MSENC, MTNA, MLA, ACDA, RSMDA, International Federation of Serious Music Publishers, and through its relations with the National Music Publishers Association (NMPA).
Internet Entertainment Network |
Internet Entertainment Network : a source for Cinema (and related Publications) and gateway to moviesnet, Hollywood Actors Network, Hollywood Music Network, Internet Screenwriters Network, Hollywood Writer's Network, Hollywood Producers Network, and The Hollywood Network Inner Circle
Motion Picture Association of America |
The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) and its international counterpart, the Motion Picture Association (MPA) serve as the voice and advocate of the American motion picture, home video television industries, domestically through the MPAA and internationally through the MPA. Today, these associations represent not only the world of the theatrical film, but serve as leader and advocate for major producers and distributors of entertainment programming for television, cable, home video and future delivery systems not yet imagined.
National Association of Recording Merchandisers (NARM) |
The National Association of Recording Merchandisers (NARM) serves the music and other prerecorded entertainment software industry as a forum for insight and dialog by: advocating the common interests of merchandisers and distributors of music, as well as sell-through video and other entertainment software, to industry and public policy makers; promoting the visibility and the image of the entertainment software industry and its participants; and providing unique opportunities for education, information and networking. NARM publishes an Annual Survey that offers extensive benchmark data on their Web site.
National Music Publishers' Association, Inc. (NMPA) |
Since 1917, the NMPA has been a strong and effective champion for the protection of music copyrights. In addition to its role as music publishing industry advocate, the NMPA distributes information to its members through sponsorship of publisher Forums in New York, Los Angeles, and Nashville, as well as publication of News & Views which posted on its Web site.
PK Baseline
: is one of the most comprehensive online information services for the entertainment and media communications industries. Subscribers can access: credits, synopses, awards and more for over 50,000 films, TV series, specials and made for TV movies, current production details, personnel listings, addresses and phone numbers of thousands of companies and corporate players, current and archived editions of Paul Kagan Newsletters, Variety, The Hollywood Reporter, Cable World magazine and the newswires, box office estimates and actuals, video rentals, production costs, print and ad costs.
R&R Online provides the radio and recording industries with the very latest in news, sales, marketing innovations, and the most credible airplay data available in the radio industry including the latest Arbitron ratings.
Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) |
The RIAA is a trade association whose member companies create, manufacture and/or distribute approximately 90 percent of all legitimate sound recordings produced and sold in the U.S. Their Web site features several industry links, news, technology, and statistical information.
REELPLAY.COM Inc. offers business-to-business online market solutions to film and television professionals worldwide.
Society of Motion Picture & Television Engineers (SMPTE) |
SMPTE is the preeminent professional society for motion picture and television engineers, with approximately 8,000 members worldwide.
Hollywood Reporter is the Web site for the daily trade newspaper of the filmed entertainment industry featuring updated news summaries, the week's top business stories and a searchable archive of stories that have appeared the print edition of The Hollywood Reporter.
Herring Communications, Inc. is a San Francisco-based media company specializing in business information on technology and entertainment. The company delivers this information to a worldwide audience of executives, entrepreneurs, and investors via three media: magazine (print), an Internet- based information service, and industry conferences.
Variety (Cahners Publishing/Reed Elsevier PLC) |
Variety is a leading weekly newspaper serving the worldwide filmed entertainment industry. It publishes the top Daily Variety storiesm the latest box office charts, exclusive columnists' stories, film reviews and Variety extras which will feature the full text version of Daily Variety, the Variety archives, searchable box office and production charts and reviews.
Wired magazine is the journal of record for the future. Wired speaks to those who see the landscape of the 21st century and think: Possibility. Hope. New opportunity. Wide-open frontier.
Yahoo Directory of Internet Sites - Entertainment |
is a directory of entertainment sites.